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My Book

My book, THE BIG SCORE: Getting It and Keeping It, Buying Power For Life blows the lid off of the mysterious abyss known as the credit score industry. It reveals the secrets to achieve and maintain strong credit scores restoring financial hope at a time when hope seems so far away.

Why Did I Write The Big Score?

With more than 15 years of actual hands-on credit score improvement experience, I clearly saw a profound disconnect between what people thought about the credit scoring industry vs. what is fact.  This chasm between perception and reality costs consumers billions of dollars every year, enormous stress and considerable missed opportunity-all of which are borne by unknowing or seemingly defenseless consumers.

I have analyzed more than 30,000 credit reports, and I have repaired the credit of thousands of individuals from all walks of life. My experience has led me to several meaningful conclusions:

  • The use of the credit report has increased in just the last few years, and it will play an even larger role for over 220 million Americans who rely on them for employment, housing opportunities, mortgage and car loans, credit cards, and even medical care.
  • There is a dire need for useful and real information that will help individuals improve their credit scores to pay less, save more and get jobs.
  • The cost of bad credit cripples individuals’ and families’ abilities to survive, thrive and save for a secure future.
  • People are unaware, they are frightened and they want and need real help. I cannot save every one of them through my credit improvement firm, but this book can definitely get them on the right track toward THE BIG SCORE-and keep them there.
  • I am the most qualified and experienced person to assist those who are in desperate need for credit education and improvement.

The world is at a crossroads. Global economic woes are pinching the financial band-with of consumers the world over. Every consumer must learn about how the credit bureaus operate, or pay a dear price for ignorance. Superior financial futures will go only to those who understand how the three credit bureaus really work. This impacts every person 18 years or older in the U.S., Canada, Australia and the U.K.


Why Do I Believe That “The Big Score” Is Better Than Other Books On Credit?

THE BIG SCORE is unlike any other credit education and credit improvement book because it is written by a true credit repair expert. The lion’s share of credit education comes from columnists and financial generalists who have no frontline experience with credit repair, rendering their information useless at best, and destructive at worst.

I have repaired literally thousands of peoples’ credit. I have reviewed more than 14,000 credit reports, a number that dwarfs most studies that cite statistical results across a wide swath of credit improvement statistics. My success ratio makes me an industry expert and an authoritative voice for consumers.

The information contained within the pages of THE BIG SCORE packs the potential to change hundreds of millions of peoples’ lives for the better and for good.


Why Do I Think My Book “The Big Score” Will Make A Difference To Our Nation In The Economic Crisis.  What Problem Will It Solve?

THE BIG SCORE has the potential to enact enormous change for individual consumers, and positively impact the nation as a whole. American consumers pay a whopping $20 billion in excess interest charges each year! This is the punishment for having a weak score; and that is just for credit card interest. A poor credit score causes individuals to pay more for car loans and mortgages, as well. The urgent need for expert and actionable education cannot be understated.

An in-depth, clear and accurate understanding of the how the credit system REALLY works, along with an understanding of the cost of bad credit can help the 75% of the U.S. population that is impacted by credit scores make wiser decisions.  An in-the-trenches lesson on how to achieve and maintain that score has the power to facilitate a major shift in the U.S. economy that has the potential of muting concerns over the looming problems with Social Security and exorbitant medical bills that weigh heavy on the list of U.S. governmental concerns.


An enormous problem for American consumers is that they are forced to function within the confines of a system they do not understand–and this lack of understanding costs them BIG. The price of their ignorance is that they pay more for everything. Higher interest rates for car loans, mortgages and credit cards force consumers into deeper debt, disallowing them to save for retirement and for the important aspects of life such as college education for their children, thus creating another generation of indebtedness and stifled opportunities.

As already stated, the global opportunities have the potential of exponentially increasing the already massive profit potential of THE BIG SCORE. We know that major and affluent demographics have already adopted the enormously successful program in the U.S. We also know that the global economic crisis that has impacted the U.S. so dramatically, has wreaked havoc on these markets described. The U.K. is particularly hard hit by their real estate crisis. Canada and Australia’s economies suffer under the weight on high costs for interest and employment woes that can be alleviated, in part, through large-scale credit awareness, education and improvement. This fact blows wide open the marketplace for expert information and hands-on tools for instant and lasting improvement. Through very minor language-oriented tweaks and edits, THE BIG SCORE is a ready to roll out solution for Canada, U.K. and Australia.

THE BIG SCORE has the potential of improving the financial futures for anyone who reads it and heeds it. I am committed to delivering the message of the importance of credit awareness and improvement. It is my life’s mission, and I hope you will share it with me.


What’s Next?

The statistics on consumer debt paint a grim picture.  Americans hold billions of dollars in consumer credit card debt. This does not include loans secured by real estate, such as a mortgage.

These numbers indicate that consumers need a clear understanding of consumer debt and relief options. Obviously, most people charge their lives away with the very best of intentions. Most people want to do the right thing. They want to provide themselves and their families the things they need, and even a few of the things they really want. And when you work hard, and you have every reason to think that your paycheck will come though over time and allow you to pay for those things, you go ahead and charge them. Very few of us look into the future and foresee a job layoff, a debilitating illness or accident, or some other economic circumstance that will deprive us of our ability to keep up with our bills. But these circumstances do happen and it is critically important that consumers know how to handle their debts should an unfortunate circumstance strike their world.

There are several types of debt relief options offered by professional companies. It can be very confusing to readily understand the differences between the various options because they all seem quite similar to the casual observer. In my next book, I address the top five debt relief options, including how they work and how they affect credit: Debt Consolidation; Credit Counseling (AKA: Debt Management Plan); Debt Settlement; Debt Negotiation; and Bankruptcy.  Although all of these topics are touched on in The Big Score, this book will break consumer options down teaching them to create, implement, and manage their own debt relief plan.

I am also working on The Big Score Junior, a book that will focus on youth and credit.

Get to Know Me

I truly believe that in any business, in order to service your clients at the highest of level of success and excellence, you have to step out of the typical box – and take your commitment beyond the sale or purchase of the product. This business for me, is about lifetime relationships.

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